DIRECTORY: Listing Renewal

Note that since these screen shots were made, ALL the fee plans have been changed to NON-RECURRING. So they will no longer have the black box that says RECURRING. All listings must be renewed by you using the below process. 

Also, if you change the FEE PLAN for someone in the middle of their term (not sure why you would but FYI…) It will push their listing out for another 365 days. Unless you intended to give them a full year extension, change the expiration date back to what it was (usually 365 days after they paid you).

If someone paid you to renew, visit their listing and click the RENEW LISTING button. The button will only show up if their renewal date is in the PAST.

After you click RENEW LISTING, the date is extended for 365 days. The new expiration date does not seem to show up til you reload the page but the date HAS been changed.

Another way to do this is edit the EXPIRES ON date to whatever date you would like, and the listing does NOT have to be expired already to edit this field. EXPIRES ON is 4 rows above the RENEWAL buttons. After you edit the date be sure to hit the UPDATE button.